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B For Lamb
15 June 2013 15:53

Lots of training this week - two deliverances(?) (to different groups) of a safeguarding course on Tuesday and Wednesday, and manual handling to a cadet group on Monday. All seemed to go well. The Wednesday group were more vociferous and argumentative (with each other, not with me) than the Tuesday group - which didn't surprise me. And I had said at the start that it would be a very boring evening if everyone agreed with each other. Monday I discovered that the drawers in the plastic unit I carry my training stuff about in can actually fall out much to the amusement of the class (while I was demonstrating unstable loads, and thinking "I'll be quite safe to tip this thing because the drawers don't come out all the way")

We went for a short walk in the New Forest ("it's not new and it's not a forest") last weekend. The Ruby Theory of Chance Meetings was doubly proved (or maybe it's an extension to the theory) when we met someone we both, separately, know - the miserable dwarf. Well, she is a dwarf and she is miserable. I once upset her by asking everyone to stand in height order. Not my fault - that's how we arrange a parade. And it also wasn't my fault that she laid a remembrance wreath alongside the tallest cadet I could find (oh, hang on - yes it was)

I took a steak out of the freezer on Wednesday for dinner on Thursday, but it wasn't until it had thawed and been cooked that I knew whether it was beef or lamb. I was a little surprised when I opened the fridge, as I had been expecting sausages. No, you fool; I'm not so dim that I can't tell the difference between frozen steak and frozen sausages. But I had intended to get sausages out of the freezer, but changed my mind and had forgotten. Could this paragraph degenerate into anything more mundane?

Not much else has happened. I found some of my school reports. Amongst the general theme ("he knows the subject but presentation is poor", "His writing is untidy and his drawings are atrocious" (plus ca change) there were some gems, which perhaps could be entitled "what teachers do when they get bored with writing reports"

"The damage to his glasses as the term has gone on has been in inverse proportion to his progress"
"His history is better than his croquet"
"Effective when he is serious; less effective when he is less serious. He has been mostly serious"

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