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Bank Holiday? What Larks
26 May 2015 22:33

1) A warm and dry bank holiday weekend meant that we were able to do a fair bit of outdoor and active things. I accidently left my mobile phone at home so was uncontactable for the entire weekend. Not that anyone noticed – when I got home last night I had received the sum total of one text message. No not from Mrs Trellis of North Wales, but equally pointless – a junk message from a DIY store to tell me that there was 15% discount over the weekend.

2) Friday evening I cut CGF’s lawn, and clipped the edges (but not in that order). CGF Sprog 3 said “I want to know how to cut the lawn…” I was about to say “the lawnmower’s in the shed, crack on” but she finished with “to get the nice stripes”. I explained that you needed a lawnmower with a roller to do that (and probably a less bumpy lawn too). “Can we get one?” Er, probably not.

3) Potatoes are doing well and the peas are starting to sprout. Carrots and leeks are a little more reluctant and may need a bit of persuasion.

4) Saturday morning we had a mass outing to parkrun. I knocked 45 seconds off my personal best, and was only a few seconds behind CGF Sprog 1. CGF Sprog 1’s bf, however, was way, way ahead finishing in a position that we can only dream of, and in a time that I would struggle to cycle round in.

5) I seem to be getting in to this running malarkey. I’ve even got a proper running shirt and shoes. And I’ve learnt how to tie a heel knot. I didn’t even know such a thing existed.

6) In the afternoon we went on a bike ride. There were five of us (me, CGG, CGF Sprog 1, CGF Sprog 3, and CGF Sprog 1’s BF) – it was like a grown-up ET Mission. We went about ten miles – but that did include a few wrong turn and dead ends as we hunted for the lakes in the middle of a housing estate. Eventually we followed CGF Sprog 3 who had been saying “it’s this way” all along, and found them. Just goes to prove: CGF Sprog 3 doesn’t say much, but when she does it is worth listening to.

7) As we cycled back into Eastleigh I saw my former neighbour. Last weekend I saw her while we were out for a run. She must think that a) I still live in Eastleigh, and b) I’m a fitness freak. Neither of which are correct.

8) CGF Sprog 1 and her BF had cycled on ahead, so we cycled to the town centre to buy an ice cream – then sent them photos to show them what they were missing. Alas, it was only Mr Whippy, not Mario (Mario – for non Eastleigh residents/ex residents) is the BEST ice cream van).

9) Saturday evening we went for a carvery to replace all the calories we had burnt during the day. A cheap and cheerful carvery restaurant, where I’ve never had a bad meal.

10) When we got back the Eurovision Song Contest was in full swing. We watched one performance, decided it was rubbish so looked to see what else was on. Great Expectations (which may have been a TV scheduler’s joke wrt the UK’s entry in Eurovision) was a much better option.

11) It was a reasonable adaptation (the screen play was by a local lad), though I wasn’t sure about Helena Bonham-Carter’s portrayal of Mrs Havisham. It must be difficult when adapting a book for the screen to decide what needs to be left in and what can be removed. You remove sub plots that aren’t central to the main story, and that means that you then have to remove certain characters as otherwise they have no purpose. And this may then lead on to having to remove or adapt other plot lines. Then you may have to insert dialogue to explain events that haven’t been portrayed. For example, the absence of Mrs Joe was explained as her having died as a result of a weak heart. “No she didn’t,” I shouted at the TV, “She was battered to death”. I may have accidentally given away the parentage of Estella. I didn’t know that CGF hadn’t read the book.

12) Sunday morning we went for a walk, with a friend of CGF. We met at the place where Victor Meldrew got run over, and walked along the river and over the big hill with a maze. It’s not really a maze – more of an intricate pattern. In fact, as it has no dead ends or junctions it is impossible to get lost in it. Once we had worked out that the path is in the grooves, not the raised bits we started to follow it round. Most of us got bored after a couple of loops and wandered off to find somewhere to eat our picnic, but CGF Sprog 3 gallantly followed it to the end, refusing all offers of food until the task was complete.

13) The pub we stopped in for a drink was advertising a Father’s Day Special – two courses for £16. Hmm, doesn’t seem that special to me. Particularly as we had got two courses for less than a tenner at the carvery the previous evening.

14) Blast from the past on Sunday evening. I was skyping mum and half-watching “Sunday Night at the Palladium” (which in itself is a blast from the past). I glanced at the screen for one act and exclaimed “It’s him, it’s him!” using a tone and volume that would have had me carted off to the local asylum in less enlightened times. What was the subject of my excitement? Why, none other than Norman Barrett and his budgie circus – taking me back to my childhood and Charlie Cairoli. OK. I know that very few of you have the foggiest what I am going on about.

15) Monday morning, CGF Sprog 3 and I spent a couple of hours weeding the driveway. Here’s a tip for anyone contemplating laying block paving. Move house within five years, as that’s how long it takes for the weeds to come through and you will then be fighting an ever-losing battle against them. Though it is quite a rewarding activity, as you get a lovely clear driveway when you have finished. I also pulled up the guttering at the bottom of the driveway and dug out several years of accumulated silt.

16) CGF’s ex-ex-SiL (ex-wife of CGF’s ex-husband's brother) came over in the afternoon – we discovered recently that she is temporarily living about 45 mins away. We went to one of the local country parks and had a pleasant amble and an ice cream. When we got back to the car we had a parking ticket. What? I’d paid £2.40 for two hours and only been gone one and a half. Oh, I hadn’t paid for two hours – one of the coins hadn’t gone into the machine, so I’d paid only £2.30 and the ticket had been issued for one hour (which costs £1). Yes, the human race has developed hand-held devices on which you can access the entire knowledge of mankind (or just pictures of cats), we can send a space ship to the furthest reaches of the universe, we can even print three-dimensional models. But we still can’t make parking machines that give change. I’ve written to the council to ask them to refund the extra £1.30. Oh no, I’m turning into my dad.

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