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05/06/2006 22:19

Needed to get some cat food tonight (for me, not the cat. No, that's not right, try the other way round).

Decided to pop in to Asda, as it was more on my way home thanm tesco or Sainsbury's, so obviously would be quicker.

Except I'd forgotten minor points like having to park a longer way from the store because the car park is so full; having to wander round the store trying to find the pet food; a queue of chavs at the check out.

And the fact that I really do not like that Asda store. Nothing against Asda in general, just that store. The one in Southampton is fine, but the one in Eastleigh is - well so full of chavs. I think it must go back to the days when it was Carrefour Hypermarket - allegedly cheaper, so attracted the low-life. It had a large car-park - this was before the idea of out-of-town supermarkets had really caught on.

I'm sure it is really a very nice store, and those who go there regularly probably love it. But I don't. Maybe because I used to live next door.

Last in the series of New Tricks tonight. I quite like that programme - and as you may have gathered, I don't like many TV programmes. Bu you can always tell whodunit - the most famous guest actor. Tonight it was Kevin Whatley. And Dennis Waterman's real-life daughter was in it too - playing his screen daughter. Except she wasn't. She used to be in Eastenders. The ugly one. OK, they're all pretty ugly in Eastenders, so that doesn't narrow it down much.

And tomororow (and possibly Wednesday) I am back at my usual client. Just can't escape from the place.

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