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odds and ends
28/05/2006 22:41

Senior moments this morning. First I thought it was Monday (actually, I've had this feeling it is Monday for most of the day. Opened the door to get milk in, and was surprised for a moment to see none).

I fancied a boiled egg for breakfast. Put water on to boil, prepared two plates (one for the egg, one for the soldiers), got egg cup out of the cupboard. Then opened fridge to get egg. Ah, slight cock-up on the catering front. No eggs.

Cat and a neighbouring cat had a stand-off in the front garden this morning. I was alerted by a cat's yowl (not sure which cat) and looked out of the window to see two cats staring each other out on the front path. Now Cat is hardly the world's bravest cat, but luckily it appeared that neither was the other. They were both (at separate times) looking behind them, appearing to check whether they could extricate themselves from the confrontation without losing face. In the end neighbouring cat ran off.

Had a couple of hours in the garden today (working, not basking). Cut the lawns (including the edges), and massacred the daffodils. Yes, I know I thought I had dug up all the bulbs in the autumn, but obviously not. Daffodils look all very well for the couple of weeks that they flower, but after that are just untidy leaves. So they had to go.

Took two barrow loads of garden rubbish to the tip - on separate trips, I'm not superman!(and own only one wheelbarrow).

Tonight is one of those Test the Nation efforts on TV - this time on climate change. I did mine on-line, as you can get the questions all in one go, without the incessant interruptions of the TV programmes. And avoids Anne Robinson. I scored 46 out of 85, which they told me was above average. But seeing as I started the test pretty soon after it was available, so was probably one of the first to compete the test, there must have been quite a small pool to calculate the average from. Anyway, a couple of glasses of wine later I had another go, and my score increased to 48. Conclusion? Alcohol is good for the environment.

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